サマーセミナー Summer Seminars


平凡な根本的な人々: キリスト中心的弟子訓練への回帰 Ordinary Radicals: A Return to Christ-Centered Discipleship (2022.08.10)

講演者 Speaker: ジョナサン・林 Jonathan Hayashi

言語 Language: 日本語 Japanese

セミナーの概要 Summary of Seminar:


Why bother with discipleship? Because the cost of non-discipleship is too great! Living with radical abandonment for God's glory, faithful adherence to His person, and urgent obedience to His ministry is the only way to live a successful, fruitful Christian life. What we believe about the gospel determines how we will follow the Great Commission and make disciples.

私たちの教会は、ミニストリーやリーダーシップにある女性について何を学ぶことができるでしょうか。What can our churches learn about women in ministry and leadership? (2022.07.08)

講演者 Speaker: ジェン・ウィルキン Jen Wilkin

言語 Language: 英語 English

セミナーの概要 Summary of Seminar:


How can Mustard Seed Network churches, which are complementarian by conviction, improve at identifying, discipling, equipping and providing opportunities for women to serve the body of Christ in faithful ways. 

私たちは終末の時代に生きているのか。Are we living in the end times? (2022.06.16)

講演者 Speaker: サム・ストームス Sam Storms

言語 Language: 英語 English

セミナーの概要 Summary of Seminar:


Is Jesus really going to return? When he does, what will happen? Is what we see in the world today a sign that the end is near? What does the Bible say about all of this? And why does it matter for our lives today? For centuries Christians around the world have asked these questions and come up with various answers. In this seminar Dr. Storms will teach on all these questions and help us see that how we understand what the Bible teaches about the “end times” matters for our life and ministry today.